As work progressed on the Friends of Zion Heritage Center (FOZHC) in Jerusalem, the team involved with the project determined that more space was needed to accommodate tour groups waiting to see the museum. Where that space could be found was a challenge. Behind the five-story building that houses FOZHC is a coffee shop that would be perfect for such use, but the owners had no desire to sell or lease the building. We needed miraculous favor with man in order to fulfill the need.
“We needed miraculous favor with man in order to fulfill the need.”
In its former life, the museum building had been a school complete with dorm rooms for students. Once the conversion began, it was determined that the furnishings would have to be sold or donated to empty the rooms. The decision was made to donate the beds, dressers, and other items to an organization that aided elderly Holocaust survivors in Israel.
The day came when a truck backed up to the door of the building and workers began to load the furnishings. One of the owners of the coffee shop saw the activity and asked what would happen to the fixtures. When he was told that they would be donated to Holocaust survivors, he was incredulous. We assured him that this was, indeed, true. It was the key to opening the door that eventually led to FOZHC being allowed to purchase the building. The generosity of the Friends of Zion team led to the miracle of favor with man that was so urgently needed to complete the multimillion-dollar project.
The Bible teaches us that God is looking for opportunities to demonstrate His love and power in our lives. Second Chronicles 16:9 says, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
“For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
—2 Chronicles 19:9
When we demonstrate generosity in our dealings with others, God pours out His favor on our lives—and what we receive is beyond anything we can imagine.
This is one of the most important lessons we have learned through the years, both on a ministry and a personal level. The natural tendency for most people is to hoard, but God wants His children to have open hearts and open hands, and for us to do whatever we can to meet the needs of others. I encourage you to take this important step toward God’s favor on your life—and enjoying the favor that He gives us with others—by demonstrating radical generosity.